1.class declaration
class Dog { //No paratheses after Dog
//Notice how we did not have to create const name and const breed
//Notice how we did not have to create const name and const breed
} //no comma here
//I repeat.. no comma after the function, just add on a new function below
//I repeat.. no comma after the function, just add on a new function below
console.log(“Love you owner”);
static info(){ //static method.
Static method calls are made directly on the class and are not callable on instances of the class. Static methods are often used to create utility functions.
Static method calls are made directly on the class and are not callable on instances of the class. Static methods are often used to create utility functions.
console.log(“Dogs are nice”);
//A getter is not a method. It is a property
//A getter is not a method. It is a property
get description(){
return(`${this.name} is breed ${this.breed}`);
//This getter would be called as dogObjectVariable.description;
//This getter would be called as dogObjectVariable.description;
set nicknames(value){
this.nick = value.trim(); //removes whitespaces
/*Setter note
Accessing the property setter by its own name inside the setter creates an infinite recursive function call.
set nickname(valule){
would call setter nickname which calls setter nickname recursively causing a stack overflow
/*Setter note
Accessing the property setter by its own name inside the setter creates an infinite recursive function call.
set nickname(valule){
would call setter nickname which calls setter nickname recursively causing a stack overflow
//This setter would be set as dogObjectVariable.nicknames = "Snicky";
//This setter would be set as dogObjectVariable.nicknames = "Snicky";
//getter for nicknames
get nicknames(){
return this.nick.toUpperCase();
const scooby = new Dog(“Scooby”,”Beagle”);
2.class expression
const Dog = class {
3.Extending classes and super
class Animal {
constructor(name) {
this.name = name;
this.thirst = 100;
this.belly = [];
drink() {
this.thirst -= 10;
return this.thirst;
eat(food) {
return this.belly;
class Dog extends Animal {
constructor(name, breed) {
super(name); //super initializes the class that this class is based off of
this.breed = breed;
bark() {
console.log('Bark bark I\'m a dog');
const rhino = new Animal('Rhiney');
const snickers = new Dog('Snickers', 'King Charles');
4.Extending arrays
We can create our own classes that are based on arrays.
class MovieCollection extends Array {
constructor(name, ...items) {
this.name = name;
add(movie) {
topRated(limit = 10) {
return this.sort((a, b) => (a.stars > b.stars ? -1 : 1)).slice(0, limit);
const movies = new MovieCollection('Wes\'s Fav Movies',
{ name: 'Bee Movie', stars: 10 },
{ name: 'Star Wars Trek', stars: 1 },
{ name: 'Virgin Suicides', stars: 7 },
{ name: 'King of the Road', stars: 8 }
movies.add({ name: 'Titanic', stars: 5 });
*Whenever you extend a class, you need to create the thing that you’re extending first before you create a class of what you want. Just call:
*for…of loop only loops over iterable items
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