Sunday, January 1, 2017

Don't make me think summary - Ch.3, 4 & 5

Ch. 3.Billboard design 101
Design pages for scanning not reading

1.Create a visual hierarchy
Relationships, especially hierarchical ones, should be clearly shown on the page. This includes element-size, grouping and nesting. Newspapers are good examples of this.

2.Take advantage of conventions
Designers are often afraid to follow conventions because they think re-inventing the wheel is often the ways to go. But conventions bolster the usability and make scanning easy and fast.

3.Break pages into clearly defined areas

4.Make it obvious what's clickable
Users are often looking for the next thing to click.

5.Minimize noise

Ch. 4.Animal, vegetable or mineral?
Why users like mindless choices

*Krug's second law of usability:
It doesn't matter how many times I have to click as long as each click is mindless and unambiguous.

"Three mindless, unambiguous clicks is equal to one that requires thought"

Ch. 5.Omit words

*Krug's third law of usability
Get rid of half the words on the page. Then get rid of half of what's left.

A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph, no unnecessary sentences.
Happy talk or small talk must be eliminated.
Instructions must die.

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