This is a summary of all the instructional videos on the site by Wes Bos.
Github Link of my mini-projects on Flexbox.
There are 2 components of flexbox: flex container and flex item
The element with display:flex; is the container, and all the elements that are direct children to it are flex items.
A display:inline-flex also exists, if you want a flexbox to take just the amount of space it requires to bear all its children.
There are 2 axes in Flexbox
main axis: by default from left to right and
cross axis: by default from top to bottom
If you set flex-direction:column; the main axis becomes top to bottom and cross axis from left to right
If you use flex-direction: row-reverse - The axis goes from right to left
Similarly for column-reverse - bottom to top
This causes the elements to shift along the cross axis if the space in the main axis becomes full.
nowrap is default
wrap is one option.
wrap-reverse is also an option, but it causes the cross axis to go from bottom to top, keeping the main axis the same.
*Without wrap and each item set to 33.33% width and with 10 items, again, without wrap, all 10 elements will appear in one row.
But if we need actual 33.33% width for each item, we set it to wrap. So element 1,2,3 appear on one line, the next ones 3,4,5 appear on the next and so on.
Calc is a new feature in CSS that lets us perform arithmetic on an assortment of units.
calc(33.33% -20px) in CSS
Margin kind of breaks flexbox because margin lies outside the box in a CSS box model
The default order for everything is 0
Anything greater than 0 goes at the end
Negative order comes first, i.e before the default items with no order set.
Order is useful in responsive design
*When you select elements they get selected in original order in HTML document. So it should be carefully used especially where text has to be copied.
Aligning and centering
justify-content: How the items are aligned on the main-axis. Possible values:
mistyrose is a nice color.
align-items: How the items are aligned in the cross-axis
Needs to have some height for it to work.
Default is set to stretch
flex-start: top
flex-end: bottom
*baseline: The bottom of the text in all items is aligned at the same level, irrespective of the size of each item.
If you flip axes, i.e use flex-direction:column; the baseline aligns on left side instead of the bottom.
align-content: Works on cross axis. Works only if we have multiple lines of content. Needs wrap. Deals with the extra space in cross axis.
Default is stretch.
With align-content set to center, to bring item#10 to the center, use justify-content:center.
align-self applies an exception to a flex-item attribute. So if all items are aligned at flex-start, we can apply flex-end to just one item.
align-self: flex-end;
flex-grow is how much of the extra space available should that element take. If element a has flex-grow:1; and no other element has flex-grow, all of the extra space will be given to element a.
flex-shrink is how should the element behave when there is no extra space, and lesser space than enough to hold the natural size of the elements. So if flex-shrink is 1 for all elements, all the elements will shrink equally.
if flex-shrink:10; on element a, a shrinks 10 times as much as the other elements do.
*if you set min-height:100vh; to a flex-direction:column, it flows from top to bottom. But if you assign height:100vh, it causes the elements that can’t fit in 100vh due to their flex-basis to move into another column, from top to bottom.
*If you want to use wrap, the parent needs to have some width
default align-items is set to stretch. If you set align-items to center, the sizes of elements may not be stretched to equal others but may vary from element to element.
flex:0 1; means do nothing on extra space
And that pretty much sums it up!